viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

hello girls!

00:00. I need to slepp. Tomorrow I'll have to get up early because me and my class are taking a train. Destiny: Madrid. It leaves at 7: 50, so I need to wake up like 2 hours before to arrive on time. I have to get dressed, makeup a little, have my breakfast...etc. I will spend around one hour and a half to get it done.
By the way, have you noticed that now "google" is faster?? I love it, because I am no patient at all with computers :P

Hope we'll really enjoy our trip. See you soon! =)
--> Camelia 

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010


I don't know  what I have say because we have not done a lot of things yet. last day we designed the blog and we decided some of the photos and text we want to put in. that's all!! OH! I AM MARTHA!! jejeje

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010


Hi, this might be kind of outtrageous, writing here for a school work instead of my silly thoughts and theories about life itself. I'm truly a blogger addict as it can be seen. I've always had at least one blog, but now since I had to create this, I've got more or less three blogs to develop and take care of.

This is the very beggining of the proyect we are meant to do, so actually we don't have many things, but I'm looking forward to the the results because I'm really excited about it. Not only because it might me fun, but also because it's the last year we are going to be able to work together, before entering university and going different ways.

It's just that I spect with this clases to spend my very best last time at school with my (since first grade years) mates, my friends, whereas I learn how to work properly in groups rather myself, I recognise my individualism for some things, well I'll say for most of the time.

The lamb-chop girl: Teresa C.