viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Nobel Prize of Chemist

Our candidate for the Nobel Price in Chemistry this year is Eduardo Gómez Pirlich, known worldwide as "eL Pirlih"
We are totally convinced that he deserves this award by his enthusiasm and dedication to the chemistry en around 25 years that he's been teaching that subject in Entrepinos. And no one could have done it better. He encourages his students to continue in the scientific branch to the absolut limits: here you have her famous phrase "Fisics will feed you".

Interview with Pirlich:

- How many years have you been teaching chemistry?
Around 25 years.

- Why did you decide to study chemistry?
Because it clears your mind, and it helps analysing reality in a systematic way.

- A remarkable person you admire
Dalton, because he established for the first time matter's structure model based in scientific proposals.

- What qualities should a good chemist have?
Firsty, you should have a certain intelectual capacity, desire to resolve problems and an ethernal desire of knowing and growing wiser.

- An advice for those who want to be someone in the chemistry world
Trying to deepen in the knowledge, question everything continuosly and explaning theories to the rest, but always enjoying it. Knowledge and wisedom give great spiritual satisfaction. Chemistry is an engine with an unlimited fuel.

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